
Hi, I’m Robert. I’m a web developer and data analyst based in New York City. I focus on making complex ideas tangible and easily understood. My favorite languages for this job are Rust for building long-term data pipelines, thanks to the fantastic Polars library; D3 and Vega(-Lite) for building browser-based visualizations; and Julia, for ad-hoc analysis and visualization.

Outside of work I enjoy writing more Rust, reading, taking photographs, and browsing Google Fonts.

You can navigate using the left sidebar, or use the search bar in the top right. The header bar also contains external links, including my GitHub profile.

You can navigate using the menu in the top left, or use the search bar in the hamburger menu in the top right. External links are also available in the hamburger menu.

This page was built using Antora with a theme forked from the default UI. Search is powered by Lunr.

The source code for this UI is licensed under the terms of the MPL-2.0 license.